Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andrew E. Teschendorff

Am Mittwoch, 06. November 2019, wird Prof. Dr. Andrew E. Teschendorff (Laboratory of Computational Systems Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health and UCL London) einen Vortrag im Rahmen der ZBI “Distinguished Speaker Series” zum Thema “Computational challenges and solutions to tackle cell-type heterogeneity in Epigenome-Wide-Association Studies” halten.


Summary:  Epigenome-Wide-Association Studies and disease epigenome studies generally seek to identify epigenetic alterations that are associated with disease risk factors and disease itself. Because epigenetic marks are highly cell-type specific, identifying the key molecular changes underlying disease is challenging due to the cell-type heterogeneity of bulk tissues in which EWAS are normally performed. In this talk I will give a critical “status quo” of the challenges and computational solutions that have been devised to tackle cell-type heterogeneity in an EWAS context. In particular, I will describe a number of statistical tools we have developed to help identify DNA methylation alterations occuring in the epithelial compartment of solid tissues and which may underlie the subsequent risk of cancer development. I will describe illustrative examples in the context of breast and lung cancer. Time allowing, I will describe our ongoing effort of using single-cell omic data to perform cell-type deconvolution on epigenomic data.