[DOT+15] Dietzen, M., Kalinina, O.V., Taskova, K., Kneissl, B., Hildebrandt, A.-K., Jaenicke, E., Decker, H., Lengauer, T., and Hildebrandt, A.:Large oligomeric complex structures can be computationally assembled by efficiently combining docked interfaces. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 2015
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[HSH+15] Hoang-Vu, D., Schmidt, B., Hildebrandt, A., Tran, T.T. and Hildebrandt, A.-K: CUDA-enabled hierarchical ward clustering of protein structures based on the nearest neighbour chain algorithm International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2015
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[AKH+14] Hildebrandt, A. K., Stöckel D., Fischer, N. M., de la Garza, L., Krüger, J., Nickels, S., Röttig, M., Schärfe, C., Schumann, M., Thiel, P., Lenhof, H.-P., Kohlbacher, O., and Andreas Hildebrandt, ballaxy: web services for structural bioinformatics, Bioinformatics 2014, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu574
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[HDL+14] Hildebrandt, A.K., Dietzen, M., Lengauer, T., Lenhof, H.-P., Althaus, E., and Hildebrandt, A. Efficient computation of root mean square deviations under rigid transformations. J Comput Chem. 35(10):765–771, 2014
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[AHH14] Althaus, E., Hildebrandt, A. and Hildebrandt, A.K. A Greedy Algorithm for Hierarchical Complete Linkage Clustering. 1st International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2014)
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[HSH+14] Hoang-Vu Dang and Schmidt, B. and Hildebrandt, A. and Hildebrandt, A.K. Parallelized Clustering of Protein Structures on CUDA-Enabled GPUs. 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP). ISSN:1066-6192, 2014
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[CEG+13] Cabezas-Wallscheid, N., Eichwald, V., de Graaf, J., Löwer, M., Lehr, H.-A., Kreft, A., Eshkind, L., Hildebrandt, A., Abassi, Y., Heck, R., Dehof, A. K., Ohngemach, S., Sprengel, R., Wörtge, S., Schmitt, S., Lotz, J., Meyer, C., Kindler, T., Zhang, D.-E., Kaina, B., Castle, J. C., Trumpp, A., Sahin, U. and Bockamp, E.: Instruction of haematopoietic lineage choices, evolution of transcriptional landscapes and cancer stem cell hierarchies derived from an AML1-ETO mouse model. EMBO Mol Med. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201302661, 2013.
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[NSM+13] Nickels, S., Stöckel, D., Mueller, S.C., Lenhof, H.-P., Hildebrandt, A., and Dehof, A.K.: PresentaBALL – a Powerful Package for Presentations and Lessons in Structural Biology. BioVis - 3rd IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 2013.
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[HEL+13] Hildebrandt, A.K., Althaus, E., Lenhof, H.P., Hung, C.W., Tholey, A., and Hildebrandt, A.: Efficient Interpretation of Tandem Mass Tags in Top-Down Proteomics. Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), 2013.
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[DLL+13] Dehof, A.K., Loew, S., Lenhof, H.-P., & Hildebrandt, A.: NightShift: NMR Shift Inference by General Hybrid Model Training - a Framework for NMR Chemical Shift Prediction. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(1):98, 2013.
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[NSM+12] Nickels, S, Sminia, H, Mueller, S, Kools, B, A.K. Dehof, H.-P. Lenhof, and A. Hildebrandt: (2012) ProteinScanAR - An augmented reality web application for high school education in biomolecular life sciences. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics (IVBI 2012).
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[DLH11] Dehof, A.K., Lenhof, H.-P., and Hildebrandt, A.: Predicting Protein NMR Chemical Shifts in the Presence of Ligands and Ions using Force Field-based Features. Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), 2011.
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[DRB+11] Dehof, A.K., Rurainski, A., Bui, Q.B.A., Böcker, S., Lenhof, H.-P. & Hildebrandt, A.: Automated Bond Order Assignment as an Optimization Problem. Bioinformatics, 27(13), 2011.
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[HDR+10] Hildebrandt, A., Dehof, A.K., Rurainski, A., Bertsch, A., Schumann, M., Toussaint, N.C., Moll, A., Stöckel, D., Nickels, S., Müller, S.C., Lenhof, H.-P. & Kohlbacher, O.: BALL - Biochemical Algorithms Library 1.3. BMC Bioinformatics, 11:531, 2010.
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[SER+10] Singh, K.K., Erkelenz, S., Rattay, S., Dehof, A.-K., Hildebrandt, A., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Schaal, H., and Schwerk, C.: Human SAP18 mediates assembly of a splicing regulatory multiprotein complex via its ubiquitin-like fold. RNA, 2010, 16(12), 2442-2454, 2010.
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[MDG+10] Marsalek, L., Georgiev, I., Dehof, A.K., Lenhof, H.-P., Slusallek, P., and Hildebrandt, A.: Real-time Ray Tracing of Complex Molecular Scenes. Proceedings of the IVbm 10 - Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics, 2010.
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[PGDN+10] M. Phillips, I. Georgiev, A.K. Dehof, L. Marsalek, H.-P. Lenhof, A. Hildebrandt, and P. Slusallek: (2010) Measuring Properties of Molecular Surfaces Using Ray Casting. HiCOMB 2010, Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
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[MGD+10] Marsalek, L., Georgiev, I.,  Dehof, A.K., Lenhof, H.-P., Slusallek, P. & Hildebrandt, A. (2010). Real-Time Ray Tracing of Complex Molecular Scenes. Proceedings of the IVBI 2010 – Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics.
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[DGMS+09] A. K. Dehof, I. Georgiev, L. Marsalek, D. Stöckel, S. Nickels, H.-P. Lenhof, P. Slusallek and A. Hildebrandt (2009): Visual Computing in Computer Aided Drug Design. Visual Computing Research Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany, 8-10 December 2009
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[DRL+09] Dehof, A. K., Rurainski, A., Lenhof, H.-P., and Hildebrandt, A.: Automated Bond Order Assignment as an Optimization Problem. Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2009.
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