[HM15] Hellmuth, M. and Marc, T.: On the Cartesian Skeleton and the Factorization of the Strong Product of Digraphs. J. Theor. Comp. Sci, 565, 0, 16-29, 2015
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[HW15] Hellmuth, M. and Wieseke, N.: On Symbolic Ultrametrics, Cotree Representations, and Cograph Edge Decompositions and Partitions In D. Xu, D. Du & D. Du (Eds.), Computing and Combinatorics, Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9198, pp. 609-623, 2015
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[BCF+15] Berkemer, S., Chaves, R., Fritz, A., Hellmuth, M., Hernandez-Rosales, M., and Stadler, P.F.: Spiders can be recognized by counting their legs. Mathematics in Computer Science, DOI=10.1007/s11786-015-0233-1, 2015
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[HWL+15] Hellmuth, M., Wieseke, N., Lechner, M., Lenhof, H.-P., Middendorf, M., and Stadler, P.F.: Phylogenomics with Paralogs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112/7: 2058-63, 2015.
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[HLS14] Hellmuth, M., Leydold, J., and Stadler, P.F.: Convex Cycle Bases, Ars Math. Contemporanea, 7, 1, 123-140, 2014.
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[HIK15] Hellmuth, M., Imrich, W., Kupka, T.: Fast Recognition of Partial Star Products and Quasi Cartesian Products Ars Math. Contemporanea, 9:2 (233-252), 2015
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[HMO+15] Hellmuth, M., Marc, T., Ostermeier, L., and Stadler, P. F.: The Relaxed Square Property. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 62, 3, 240-270, 2015
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[HNO14] Hellmuth, M., Noll, M., and Ostermeier, L.: Strong Products of Hypergraphs: Unique Prime Factorization Theorems and Algorithms, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 171, 60-71, 2014
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[HOS14] Hellmuth, M., Ostermeier, L., and Stadler, P.F.: Unique Square Property, Equitable Partitions, and Product-like Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 320, 0, 92-103, 2014.
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[HHW+14] Hernandez-Rosales, M., Hellmuth M., Wieseke N., and Stadler, P.F.: Simulation of gene family histories, BMC Bioinformatics, 15, Suppl 3, A8, 2014.
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[H13] Hellmuth, M.: On the Complexity of Recognizing S-composite and S-prime Graphs, Discrete Appl. Math., 161, 7-8, 1006-1013, 2013.
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[HWT13] Hellmuth, M., Imrich, W., and Kupka, T.: Partial Star Products: A Local Covering Approach for the Recognition of Approximate Cartesian Product Graphs. Mathematics in Computer Science, 7(3):255-273,2013.
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[RHH+12] Rosales, M. H., Hellmuth, M., Huber, K. T., Moulton, V., Wieseke, N. & Stadler, P.F. (2012). From Event-Labeled Gene Trees to Species Trees, BMC Bioinformatics, 13, Suppl 19, S6, 2012
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[GHS12] Gringmann, L., Hellmuth, M. & Stadler, P.F. (2012). The Cartesian Product of Hypergraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 70, 2, 180-196, 2012
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[HGS12] Hellmuth, M., Gringmann, L., Stadler, P.F. (2012). Diagonalized Cartesian Products of S-prime graphs are S-prime, Discrete Mathematics, 312, 1, 74-80, 2012
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[HRH+12] Hellmuth, M., Rosales, M.-H., Huber, K. T., Moulton, V., Stadler, P.F., Wieseke, N. Orthology Relations, Symbolic Ultrametrics, and Cographs, J. Math. Biol., 2012
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[HOS12] Hellmuth, M., Ostermeier, L., Stadler, P.F., Minimum Cycle Bases of Lexicographic Products, Ars Math. Contemporanea, 5, 2, 219–230, 2012
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[HOS12] Hellmuth, M., Ostermeier, L., Stadler, P.F., A Survey on Hypergraph Products, Math. Comp. Sci., 6, 1, 1-32, 2012
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