Dr. Oliver Müller


Oliver Müller Image


Center for Bioinformatics
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Building E2.1, Room 414
P.O. Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

+49 681 302 70893

+49 681 302 64719

Research Interests

  • digital image analysis with focus on biological image data
  • statistical evaluation of gene sets


  • LSIC – Life Sciences Imaging Community
  • ATOM – Automated Import of Image Data into OMERO (read more)
  • GeneTrail (read more)


WS 2011/2012
  • Lecture Bioinformatics I
  • Proseminar “Bioinformatic Approaches for Cancer Research”
  • Proseminar “Efficient Algorithms for RNA molecules”
  • Seminar “Modelling and Analyzing Biological Networks”
  • Seminar “Selected Topics in Molecular Docking”
  • Lecture Series “Introduction into Bioinformatics”
WS 2010/2011
  • Lecture Bioinformatics I
  • Proseminar “Bioinformatic Approaches for Cancer Research”
  • Proseminar “Efficient Algorithms for RNA molecules”
  • Seminar “Modelling and Analyzing Biological Networks”
  • Seminar “Selected Topics in Molecular Docking”
  • Lecture Series “Introduction into Bioinformatics”
SS 2011
  • Special Lecture: Acquisition, Analysis & Management of Biological Image Data
  • Proseminar “Bioinformatic Approaches for Cancer Research”
  • Proseminar “Efficient Algorithms for RNA molecules”
  • Seminar “Modelling and Analyzing Biological Networks”
  • Seminar “Selected Topics in Molecular Docking”

Publications in the Group

[SMK+13] Stöckel, D., Müller, O., Kehl, T., Gerasch, A., Backes, C., Rurainski, A., Keller, A., Kaufmann, M., and Lenhof, H.-P.: NetworkTrail - A web service for identifying and visualizing deregulated subnetworks. Bioinformatics 29 (13):1702-03, 2013.

[BRK+11] Backes, C., Rurainski, A., Klau, G.W., Müller, O., Stöckel, D., Gerasch, A., Küntzer, J., Maisel, D., Ludwig, N., Hein, M., Keller, A., Burtscher, H., Kaufmann, M., Meese, E., and Lenhof, H.-P.: An integer linear programming approach for finding deregulated subgraphs in regulatory networks. Nucleic Acids Res., 40(6):e43, 2011.

Previous Publications


Oliver Müller, Peter Lipp, Lars Kaestner: ATOM – an OMERO add-on for Automated Import of Image Data. BMC Research Notes.

Oliver Müller: Development of a System for Optical High-Resolution Screening of Primary Cultured Cells. (PhD Thesis).


Oliver Müller, Qinghai Tian, Roman Zantl, Valentin Kahl, Peter Lipp, Lars Kaestner: A System for Optical High Resolution Screening of Electrical Excitable Cells. Cell Calcium.

Oliver Müller, Lars Kaestner, Peter Lipp: ATOM – Automated Import of Image Data into OMERO. (poster at the OME User’s Meeting).

Oliver Müller: OMERO as Image Data Management for a Changing Community. (OME Stories).

Lars Kaestner, Qinghai Tian, Oliver Müller, Sandra Ruppenthal, Peter Lipp: High Resolution Microscopy Meets High Content Screening. (abstract at the Focus on Microscopy conference (FOM2010)).


Lars Kaestner, Oliver Müller, Aline Flockerzi, Karin Hammer, Wiebke Tabellion, Qinghai Tian, Sandra Ruppenthal, Anke Scholz, Peter Lipp: Towards Cardiac Safety Screens by Single Cell Imaging Procedures. Biophys. J.

Lars Kaestner, Qinghai Tian, Oliver Müller, Aline Flockerzi, Karin Hammer, Sandra Ruppenthal, Anke Scholz, Peter Lipp: Concepts for Optical High Content Screens of Excitable Primary Isolated Cells for Molecular Imaging. (abstract at the European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO2009)).


Lars Kaestner, Oliver Müller, Aline Flockerzi, Sandra Ruppenthal, Anke Scholz, Peter Lipp: Towards High Content Screening of Primary Cultured Adult Cardiac Myocytes. (abstract at the Focus on Microscopy conference (FOM2008)).


Ingolf Sommer, Oliver Müller, Francisco S. Domingues, Oliver Sander, Joachim Weickert & Thomas Lengauer: Moment Invariants as Shape Recognition Technique for Comparing Protein Binding Sites. Bioinformatics.


Oliver Müller: Using Shape Retrieval Techniques for Identifying Similar Protein Binding Sites. (Master’s Thesis).

Oliver Müller, Ingolf Sommer, Francisco Domingues, Oliver Sander, Hongbo Zhu, Thomas Lengauer: Using Shape Retrieval Techniques for Identifying Similar Protein Binding Sites. (poster at the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB2006)).


Oliver Müller: Designing Proline-rich Peptides for GYF Domains. (Bachelor’s Thesis).