Dr. Patrick Trampert




Center for Bioinformatics
Saarland Informatics Campus
Saarland University
Building E2.1, Room 402
P.O. Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken

+49 681 302 68608

+49 681 302 64719


  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Ludwigsgymnasium Saarbrücken, Juni 2002
  • Job Training as IT Specialist Systemintegration
  • Prediploma Mathematics, Saarland University, November 2006
  • “Prepedagogium” Educational Sciences, Saarland University, June 2007
  • Bachelor of Science (Computer Sciences), Saarland University, February 2010
  • Master of Science (Computer Sciences),Saarland University, February 2012


  • Linear Algebra I
  • Programming I, II
  • Programming for Mathematicians
  • Preparatory Course: Mathematics for Computer Scientists
  • Mathematics for Computer Scientists I, II, III
  • Systemarchitecture
  • Mathmetical Optimization
  • Euclidian Geometry
Teaching Assistant
  • Didactics I: Introduction to Mathematics Education: WS07/08
  • Bioinformatics I : WS12/13, WS13/14
  • Bioinformatics II : SS12, SS13, SS14
  • Proseminar “Bioinformatic Approaches for Cancer Research”: SS12, WS12/13, SS13, WS13/14, SS14
  • Proseminar “Efficient Algorithms for RNA molecules”: SS12
  • Seminar “Inferring Network Structure from Data”: SS13, WS13/14, SS14
  • Seminar “Modelling and Analyzing Biological Networks”: WS12/13
  • Preparatory Course: Probability Theory and Statistics for Bioinformaticians: SS11
  • Florian Schmidt, Bachelor (finished)
      Title: “Identification of deregulated paths in metabolic networks”
  • Tim Kehl, Bachelor (finished)
      Title: “PiDGEon: A Next-Generation-Sequencing Pipeline to detect differential gene expression.”
  • Sebastian Schattner, Bachelor (finished)
      Title: “Batch Processing Library for Biological Images with Graphical User Interface.”
  • Nima Zeini, Master
      Title: “TBA”
  • Sven Hafeneger, Master (finished)
      Title: “Determine Surivival-related Biomarkers using Undirected Graphical Models”
  • Robert Kirsten, Master
      Title: “Construction of causal interaction networks using multiple mRNA microarray experiments.”
  • Christine Jaeckels, Master
      Title: “TBA”
  • Christina Kiefer, Bachelor
      Title: “RNA Chemical Shift Prediction”
  • Valentina Galata, Master (finished)
      Title: “Incorporation of Prior Knowledge into Structure Learning of Causal Bayesian Networks”
  • Tim Kehl, Master
      Working Title: “GeneTrail 2”
  • Florian Schmidt, Master
      Title: “TBA”
  • Julia Jauss, Bachelor
      Title: “TBA”

Latest Publications

[SKT+16] Stöckel, D., Kehl, T., Trampert, P., Schneider, L., Backes, C., Ludwig, N., Gerasch, A., Kaufmann, M., Gessler, M., Graf, N., Meese, E., Keller, A., Lenhof, H.P.,: Multi-omics Enrichment Analysis using the GeneTrail2 Web Service. Bioinformatics 2016; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv770

[SST+15] Stöckel, D., Schmidt, F., Trampert, P., and Lenhof, H.-P.: CausalTrail: Testing hypothesis using causal Bayesian networks. F1000Research 2015, 4(ISCB Comm J):1520, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.7647.1