ProteinScanAR – An augmented reality web application for high school education in biomolecular life sciences


Understanding protein structures is a crucial step in creating molecular insight for researchers as well as students and pupils. The enormous scaling gap between an atomic point of view and objects in daily life hampers developing an intuitive relation between them. Especially for high school students, it can be dif?cult to understand the spatial relations of a protein structure. Due to lack of direct imaging techniques, molecules can only be explored by studying abstract molecular models. Here, the use of Augmented reality (AR) techniques has proven to strongly improve structural perception. In this work we present ProteinScanAR, an augmented reality framework for biomolecular education that allows connecting virtual and real worlds intuitively, and thus enables focusing on the scienti?c or educational content. Special attention was taken to guarantee implementational and technical requirements as general and simple as possible to alleviate application in non-expert computer settings. The Protein-ScanAR framework is freely available under the GNU Public License (GPL).

Keywords— HTML5, 3D Internet, BALLView, Education,


[NSM+12] Nickels, S, Sminia, H, Mueller, S, Kools, B, A.K. Dehof, H.-P. Lenhof, and A. Hildebrandt: (2012) ProteinScanAR - An augmented reality web application for high school education in biomolecular life sciences. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Information Visualization in Biomedical Informatics (IVBI 2012).
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