We have investigated algorithms that are particularly suited for the parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of synthetic polymers. These algorithms distribute the atoms of the polymer among the processors. Dynamic non-bonded interactions, which are the difficult part of an MD simulation, are realised with the help of a new coarse-grained representation of the chain structure. We have devised and compared a master version and a distributed version of the algorithm. Surprisingly, the master version is competitive for a relatively large number of processors. We also developed two methods to improve load balancing. The resulting simulation package will be made available in the near future.
[00+JLR] Jung, B., Lenhof, H.-P., Müller, P., Rüb, C. Simulating synthetic polymer chains in parallel. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 16, Issue 5, March 2000, Pages 513-522, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-739X(99)00138-7