
Subscription to Examinations

The un/subscription is done using the online portal (since WS 2006/07).

According to §14 (2) of the joint examination regulations of the faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science, each examination has to be registered via the HISPOS system no later than one week before the first academic assessment or examination associated with the relevant module.

As far as proseminars and seminars are concerned, you are only allowed to register or to withdraw within three weeks after topic assignment/preliminary meeting.

Please note that from the summer term 2019 on, no exceptions will be made. Technical problems with the examination registration has to be reported before the registration deadline.

Only in exceptional cases, a delayed examination registration may be made by the study coordination but only if due to circumstances beyond your control.

For questions as regards contents, please send an email to: nwilhelm@bioinf.uni-sb.de
For technical problems, please send an email to the service contact.

Accreditation of Studies and Exam Results

The accreditation is quite easy if you consider some basic rules. It is also important to consider §19 of the Joined Exam Regulation. For the application of an accreditation, please use exclusively the following document.

  • Please complete the form’s first page, otherwise we cannot process the application.
  • Please list the attended courses and the corresponding information on the second page. In the column “SWS”, the number of weekly teaching hours (apportioned in lecture/tutorial hours) of the respective course has to be specified. In the colum “Credits”, please specify possibly assigned credit points. If no credit points are specified, the assignment is done as definied in our ECTS-System: 1.5 credit points for one weekly teaching hour.
  • Please try to associate the courses that you want to be accredited to concrete courses as specified in our study regulations.
  • Having completed this list, please visit the lecturers teaching the respective courses at our university. In case of questions in this regard, please send an email to the examination office.
  • To accelerate the procedure of accreditation, you should provide a short overview of the course’s topics (for example in the commented university calendar or the course’s website) to each lecturer to easily verify the equivalence. Beneath an overview of the course’s topics, you may also provide a list of the literature used.

Furthermore, please add the following attachments:

1) An explanation of the grade calculation (the grades are specified in the grading system of the country where the exams have been passed).

2) Copies of the original certificates, possibly with translations and information about the country and the university where the corresponding exams have been passed. The original copies must be provided to the examination office.

Complete applications can be handed in at the examination office.